Secondly, the guide is only intended for IE users, as I haven’t got Mozilla Firefox. And you will need Microsoft FrontPage. It is the quintessential component of this guide. Next, anything created by the guide below will be non-canon and will not affect AQW gameplay in any way whatsoever.
So the first step is for you to go to a character page. It could be your character page or basically just any character page, as you will only need the code and then edit it on MS FrontPage. Anyway, on your browser window, click the View menu, and then Source. A notepad window with the page’s source code will appear. See the image below for what you will need to copy.
Then you just open up MS FrontPage. Switch to the HTML view via the HTML tab by the bottom of the work area and paste in between the “body” tags. Now, the fourth to the fifth line of code from the one you have copied is what you’ll need to focus your attention on. You’ll have to do a little bit of editing here.
Here’s a list of what each string does:
intColorHair: Your character’s hair color; number value
intColorEye: Your character’s eye color; number value
intColorTrim: Trim color; number value
intColorBase: Base color; number value
intColorAccessory: Accessory color; number value
strGender: Your character’s gender; either M, for male, or F, for female
strHairFile: Your character’s hair’s file; has to be .swf
strHairName: Your character’s hair’s name; has to be congruent with .swf file
strName: Your character’s name; can be anything
intLevel: Your character’s level; may not go beyond 20
strClassName: Character’s class; doesn’t have to be an existing class; could be anything
strClassFile: Your character’s armor; has to be an .swf file
strClassLink: The armor’s name; will come with source code
strWeaponFile: Character’s weapon; .swf file
strCapeFile: Character’s cape; .swf file
strCapeLink: Cape’s name; will come with source code
strHelmFile: Character’s helm; .swf file
strHelmLink: Helm’s name; will come with source code
strPetFile: Character’s Pet
strPetLink: Pet’s name; will come with source code
Now after you’ve associated yourself with the above, you just need to visualize what you want to look like. But here’s the tricky part. As I’m not well capable of finding out the .swf file of each item in the game, you’ll have to find a character page that has whichever item you want your character to have when it’s generated in MS FrontPage.
For the ‘int’ strings, I won’t be expounding any further. The int’s are pretty much the boring part of this guide, actually; all you change are the colors. But basically, if you want to change the color, just open up a character page that has a color that you want and just view their source code via the above first step and copy the number in the int string that you want and paste onto the code that you’re working with.
The same goes for the str strings. All you do is just go to a character page and view the source code, and copy the code that you need. Say, for example, Voltaire. You want his Helm. Just go to his strHelmFile and copy the source (which is: items/helms/Voltairehat2.swf). Make sure you copy his strHelmLink, too, as the latter and these are a sort of tier (VoltaireHat2). The same principle, too, if you’re trying to get his pet.
Now for the fun part. You get to make your own classes! You can even change your name! Albeit, not your level…. For your name, you have only to change the code in the strName string. For your class, which you can pretty much manipulate endlessly to your liking, just change the one in the strClassName string. Remember, you may not change your level, as the level cap still applies.
Remember, the code you’re editing is located in the THIRD <.param .>tag. And whatever you edit there, you’ll have to do with the code inside the tag below it, i.e. the <.embed.> tag.
BTW, there is an easier way of doing this. I just wanted to dissect it, like I did the AQW Battle Bar. The list of .SWF's are here and the Character Builder is here. None of which I have created! I am merely linking, and credit goes to whoever made them.