A special note to Free Players
Hey guys! I am really sorry that there are so few free player items available in the housing release. This was not done to upset you, but because of the huge number of free player accounts (over 8.5 million) it was just too much storage space for all the houses, items, and room customization. We care about you and all of the other players which is why we have new great releases coming that will make everyone happy. Until then, we hope that you will choose to upgrade your account getting full access to housing and help support the growth of AQWorlds.
Sigh. This is going to deter a few people from signing the petition. And plainspoken, my faith for the petition is crashing. I can't say I didn't try.
The petition will be left open in hopes of some miracle (that doesn't involve buying membership). Sigh.
Wait. Here's an idea. Make a free player version of the bank! Maybe non-members could store items in tree trunks and.... Stupid.
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