Here's a fun glitch. It was contributed by Dragon Lord, here. What you'll need is either a rank 8 Rustbucket, Enforcer or Protosartorium; as you will need the Event Horizon skill. Now, what the Event Horizon skill does is negate any and every damage done to you by your opponent for 12 seconds.
By the way, in Physics, an Event Horizon is the part of a Black Hole that prevents anything, including light, from escaping it. That's how dense the thing is! It's amazing, really. That's why, if I do manage to land a job at Artix Entertainment, I want to be a programmer in the Mech Quest department!
Anyway, before I go all Trekkie on everyone, just attack a monster. And before anything else happens, close the monster's stats (click the 'X' on its stats), which usually pops up as you initiate a fight! Or if a monster goes aggro (meaning you provoked it to attacked you, by walking past it), then you don't have to do the latter. Once the fight is initiated, just cast the Event Horizon on yourself, and you'll see zeroes everywhere! You're invulnerable to damage! Now, you might go counting to 12, but that won't be necessary, as the glitch makes you impervious to damage for an unlimited amount of time. But isn't that cheating? No. Because you won't be attacking the monster, remember? Because once you do, you'll initiate another fight sequence, nullifying the Event Horizon you cast on it, making you susceptible to damage once more! The picture above is me with the glitch on for about eleven and a half minutes (while I was typing this whole thing!).
It looks like I'm using the cheat-sader avvie a lot this week, huh? :D Ah. And by the way, here's another cool screenshot I took awhile ago. Guess how many times I Ice Shard-ed the Grenwog (rhetorical question. Don't answer, but comments are well appreciated)? L-O-L
By the way, in Physics, an Event Horizon is the part of a Black Hole that prevents anything, including light, from escaping it. That's how dense the thing is! It's amazing, really. That's why, if I do manage to land a job at Artix Entertainment, I want to be a programmer in the Mech Quest department!
Anyway, before I go all Trekkie on everyone, just attack a monster. And before anything else happens, close the monster's stats (click the 'X' on its stats), which usually pops up as you initiate a fight! Or if a monster goes aggro (meaning you provoked it to attacked you, by walking past it), then you don't have to do the latter. Once the fight is initiated, just cast the Event Horizon on yourself, and you'll see zeroes everywhere! You're invulnerable to damage! Now, you might go counting to 12, but that won't be necessary, as the glitch makes you impervious to damage for an unlimited amount of time. But isn't that cheating? No. Because you won't be attacking the monster, remember? Because once you do, you'll initiate another fight sequence, nullifying the Event Horizon you cast on it, making you susceptible to damage once more! The picture above is me with the glitch on for about eleven and a half minutes (while I was typing this whole thing!).
It looks like I'm using the cheat-sader avvie a lot this week, huh? :D Ah. And by the way, here's another cool screenshot I took awhile ago. Guess how many times I Ice Shard-ed the Grenwog (rhetorical question. Don't answer, but comments are well appreciated)? L-O-L
im still wondering why Grenwog is still hangin around lol kinda like the foot ball twilly (/join punt) dont they check these things? O.o?
lol oh well im not complaining
Yes, these things are still on the site. I hear Voltaire's still on there for members, although the shops are closed shut; but at least you get to listen to his awesome music. Ah, what I'd give to be a member!
oh yea i loved voltares music i first heard it on the grim adventures of billy n mandy lol "brains" i never thought he would appear here on AQW that wat made me love the game lol TY Voltare!
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