I knew this day would come...
AQW has been an important part of my life, and though I've really been hating what's been happening recently. (And yes, I'm well aware of another player's attempt at a more bagspace petition.) What are the chances they'd make it available for non-paying members, eh? Ah. But more importantly, what are the chances they won't make it available for non-paying members? You see, non-paying members are the reason AQW is what it is today; the game began for free. I'm not saying it should be, again; but what I'm getting at is that it should be enjoyable to all the players.
When I thought I wasn't enjoying the limited fantasy of the game, I opted to make my own fiction--and what better way to do it than through writing, right? I hated the lags. I hated the upgrade screen. And most of all, I hated the inventory space. The dragon just wasn't slay-able in a game like this.
But I'll tell you what I did like. Although, I am a writer, I fear the best way to describe it is through another's words (I hate plagiarism--all bloggers do): "Fairy tales are more than true: not because they tell us that dragons exist, but because they tell us that dragons can be beaten." —G. K. Chesterton. From the epigram of Neil Gaiman's Coraline.
And so, it is with great pleasure that I announce the launching of my upcoming e-novel which will be downloadable (the first three chapters) for free by January next year. As of now, it is my WIP on NaNoWriMo, if you're all familiar with that. It is satiric at some parts. And I have used some of the people who have been--or still are--in my Friends List on AQW, and even those whom I have met elsewhere online. But you are all characters in my story. So, I'll give the creators of AQW this: they have inspired this masterpiece.

I dedicate it to all who play--and used to play--Adventure Quest Worlds. To all who have once been young of heart. To all who have once been trampled on by reality. To everyone who once read my blog. To the ones who have touched my heart. You will all be able to slay that dragon of yours.
AQW has been an important part of my life, and though I've really been hating what's been happening recently. (And yes, I'm well aware of another player's attempt at a more bagspace petition.) What are the chances they'd make it available for non-paying members, eh? Ah. But more importantly, what are the chances they won't make it available for non-paying members? You see, non-paying members are the reason AQW is what it is today; the game began for free. I'm not saying it should be, again; but what I'm getting at is that it should be enjoyable to all the players.
When I thought I wasn't enjoying the limited fantasy of the game, I opted to make my own fiction--and what better way to do it than through writing, right? I hated the lags. I hated the upgrade screen. And most of all, I hated the inventory space. The dragon just wasn't slay-able in a game like this.
But I'll tell you what I did like. Although, I am a writer, I fear the best way to describe it is through another's words (I hate plagiarism--all bloggers do): "Fairy tales are more than true: not because they tell us that dragons exist, but because they tell us that dragons can be beaten." —G. K. Chesterton. From the epigram of Neil Gaiman's Coraline.
And so, it is with great pleasure that I announce the launching of my upcoming e-novel which will be downloadable (the first three chapters) for free by January next year. As of now, it is my WIP on NaNoWriMo, if you're all familiar with that. It is satiric at some parts. And I have used some of the people who have been--or still are--in my Friends List on AQW, and even those whom I have met elsewhere online. But you are all characters in my story. So, I'll give the creators of AQW this: they have inspired this masterpiece.

I dedicate it to all who play--and used to play--Adventure Quest Worlds. To all who have once been young of heart. To all who have once been trampled on by reality. To everyone who once read my blog. To the ones who have touched my heart. You will all be able to slay that dragon of yours.
-- Quest Adventure: The Dragon Slayer's Heart
I'm looking forward to reading this. Let me know when it's available!
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